The 2025-26 FAFSA is live. Here's what you need to know.
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Project Hire

A program of the Howard Center, Project Hire provides career and employment assistance to adults with intellectual disabilities in Chittenden County. Supports and services vary based on your interests and employment goals. This may include:

  • Employment skill and interest assessments
  • Internships and work experiences
  • Job search development and on going support to job seekers
  • On-the-job training assistance
  • Supports to the employer of a participant

You may refer yourself, or be referred by other providers, educators, or family members.

For more information about Project Hire, call 802-488-6555 or 802-488-6000.

Online Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment is a program by the Vermont Agency of Education for high school students to take college classes. Landmark College offers small, online classes for high school juniors and seniors who may struggle learning in a classroom. Landmark allows you to explore careers and build academic skills all while getting college credit in high school.


A program made to help postsecondary students ages 18-25 with autism and intellectual disabilities have a meaningful and independent experience in the Burlington area. The SUCEED program supports you in these areas:

  • Student housing
  • Campus life
  • Career development
  • Education

Think College Vermont

Think College at the University of Vermont (UVM) is a program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities looking to attend college.

As a non-matriculated student, you may earn a Certificate of College Studies designed to include: “academic enrichment, social and recreational skills, life and self-advocacy skills, and career skills and work experience.” Think College at UVM says it incorporates student-centered planning, academic advising, and peer mentors for an inclusive, supportive college experience.

Peer & Employment Support

Pathways Vermont offers one-on-one employment support services for adults, in-person or remotely. Meetings are at the Community Center (279 N. Winooski Avenue, Burlington) and can be scheduled around your needs.

Employment support can include help with job seeking, resume and cover letter writing, and more.

Pathways also offers Peer Assisted Vocational Employment (PAVE), which covers the above services plus ongoing employment support and collaboration.

Veterans Readiness & Employment Program

Veterans Readiness & Employment Program (VR&E) is a program to support veterans finding and holding fulfilling careers. If you have been a service member and are living with a service-related disability, VR&E may be able to help with:

  • Connecting with and supporting post high-school education and training
  • Job searching
  • Resume and application coaching
  • One-on-one counseling

Career Resource Centers

Work with a Vermont Department of Labor career counselor virtually or in-person free of charge. Anyone looking for a job can use the resource centers to access:

  • computers and the internet
  • information about education and training
  • information about employers
  • career guidance

People working at the centers can help answer your questions and support you through your process to get and keep a job. To get started, find your local Vermont Department of Labor career center, call (802) 828-4394, or complete the Job Seeker Inquiry Form.

Living with Disability Career Support

HireAbility Vermont (formerly VocRehab) is an employment and career development resource for Vermonters living with a disability. You can work with a counselor to help you with any aspect of your job or career journey. The staff can give you support with:

  • Assistive technology for anyone living with a disability
  • Benefits counseling so you can access your Social Security benefits
  • Planning your path to employment after release from a jail
  • Finding a job as a mature worker
  • Trying out a new employer in a safe environment
  • Counseling for people with deaf gain
  • Planning after high school
  • Job support for people living with a disability

Living with Disability Career Support

Get connected to a job that works for you with help from the Vermont Agency of Business and Industry Rehabilitation (VABIR). Through VABIR, all people living with disabilities and in all areas of Vermont can access on the job training, gain work experience, and use other employment resources.

Jump On Board for Success (JOBS)

Delivered in partnership with HireAbility Vermont and Lamoille County Mental Health Services, this program is for eligible youth ages 16-22. Through this program, you can access services from career exploration to employment retention support. The Jobs On Board for Success (JOBS) program helps you:

  • Develop or improve job seeking, resume writing, and interviewing skills
  • Arrange job shadow experiences, volunteer work, and internships
  • Troubleshoot potential barriers to employment, such as transportation and scheduling
  • Navigate career exploration
  • Find a job