Cost For High School Students $0
For Adults $7,071
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
This is intended for high school students attending from within the district. College credits may be available as part of this program. Students from outside the district or adults who are not enrolled in high school can contact the center to apply for this program, as well.
The Automotive Technology program prepares students for work or further study in the automotive field. Areas of concentration include steering and suspension, brake and exhaust systems, electronic and engine performance, working with transmissions, and overall general repair. Students gain both entry-level experience and specialized training.
This program includes or prepares for the following credential(s): Vermont State Inspection Certification; Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Entry Level Certification(s) in Automobile Service Technician, Transmissions, Brakes, Electrical Systems, Engine Performance, Engine Repair, Air Conditioning, Suspension and Steering.
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
For high school students attending from within the district, there is no cost to this program. For students from outside of the district and adults who are not enrolled in high school, local scholarships and other funding sources may be available. Follow the link and contact the CTE center for more information.
State or Local Grant
Institutional Grant
Private Grant