Cost For High School Students $0
For Adults $13,253
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
By studying Culinary Arts, students prepare for careers in the foodservice industry. The instructors are chefs and students study in our foodservice facility that simulates a typical workplace. Students learn to the proper care and operation of kitchen equipment while preparing and serving food in our restaurant.
Students may earn a national credential ServSafe through the National Restaurant Association and college credit through New England Culinary Institute's online program.
This program includes the following credential(s): National Restaurant Association ServSafe Certification: Manager.
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
For high school students attending from within the district, there is no cost to this program. Adults with GEDs or without a high school diploma can attend daytime programs at no cost. For students from outside of the district and adults who have a high school diploma, local scholarships and other funding sources may be available. Follow the link and contact the CTE center for more information.
State or Local Grant
Private Grant
Other Grant
State or Local Scholarship
Private Scholarship
Other Scholarship
Veteran Educational Assistance Program
Post 9-11 GI Bill
Vocational Rehabilitation