Cost For High School Students $0
For Adults $5,404
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
This is intended for high school students attending from within the district. College credits may be available as part of this program. Students from outside the district or adults who are not enrolled in high school can contact the center to apply for this program, as well.
Students learn safety techniques, safe use of tools, identification and use of building materials, print reading, construction-related math, and construction procedures. These include the framing of floors and walls, planning and construction of stairs, calculation and construction of roofs, installation of doors and windows, installation of insulation, interior wall coverings, siding, exterior trim, and how to plan and build decks. Interior finish work includes applying trim to doors and windows, applying moldings, hanging interior doors, cabinetry, and installing hardware.
Students, after class preparation, will work on actual construction projects in the community and apply learned procedures. Students are also exposed to team-building and will practice problem-solving and employability skills.
This program includes the following credential(s): National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) Certificate-Construction Core Introductory Craft Skills & ACT National Career Readiness Certificate.
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
For high school students attending from within the district, there is no cost to this program. For students from outside of the district and adults who are not enrolled in high school, local scholarships and other funding sources may be available. Follow the link and contact the CTE center for more information.
State or Local Grant
Institutional Grant
Private Grant