The 2025-26 FAFSA is live. Here's what you need to know.
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Author: Marilyn Tagliavia

Step-by-step education guide

Discover which education or training programs meet your goals with our step-by-step guide.
Education Pathways , Resources ,

How CCV students can get guaranteed admission to bachelor’s degree programs

The Vermont Transfer Guarantee is a partnership between CCV and participating colleges and universities in VT, allowing you to transfer seamlessly.
Education Pathways ,

What to know about the 2025 – 2026 FAFSA

If you are planning to be a student during the 2025-2026 school year, it’s time to get started on the FAFSA.
Financial Aid , Resources ,

Step-by-step career guide

Just getting started on your career exploration journey? Follow this guide!
Career Pathways , Resources ,

New tool matches your skills to jobs

A new tool called Vermont Employment Pathfinder helps you to identify the skills you have, and directs you to relevant education and employment opportunities.
Career Pathways ,

Building carpentry skills through hands-on learning

Lily combines hands-on learning opportunities to build a foundation of skills in construction.
Career Pathways , Education Pathways , Real Vermonters ,

What to know about the current FAFSA launch (updated 4/25/24)

The details you need to know about filling out your FAFSA for 2024 - 2025.
Financial Aid , Resources ,

High schoolers: You can earn a free associate degree

If you are a high school student in Vermont, you can earn a free associate degree from the Community College of Vermont (CCV)! All members of high school classes of 2023-2026 who meet the requirements are eligible to participate.
Education Pathways , Resources ,

Getting started on stackable credentials

Stacking credentials can be an attractive way to get your education because they are flexible and chosen by you. You can earn these credentials in small steps, often through the completion of cheaper and shorter programs.
Education Pathways , Resources ,

Discovering Vermont’s Most Promising Jobs

When a job is high-pay, high-demand, you are more likely to have a stable and reliable source of income.
Career Change , Career Pathways , Resources ,