The 2024-25 FAFSA is live. Here's what you need to know.
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Assistive Technology Program

The Vermont Assistive Technology Program (VATP) helps people with disabilities of all ages find tools to overcome barriers at school, home, and work.

VATP allows you to try out tools at centers throughout the state. Equipment is also free to borrow for 30 days.

Regional Tryout Centers are located in Burlington, Waterbury, Rutland, and Castleton.

Learn more here.

Veterans Readiness & Employment Program

Veterans Readiness & Employment Program (VR&E) is a program to support veterans finding and holding fulfilling careers. If you have been a service member and are living with a service-related disability, VR&E may be able to help with:

  • Connecting with and supporting post high-school education and training
  • Job searching
  • Resume and application coaching
  • One-on-one counseling

Get more information, check your eligibility, and apply for benefits here!

Career & College Readiness Support

Sometimes the road to a new career or education program is a long one – and that’s ok. If you are over the age of 16, Adult Education and Literacy providers throughout the state offer free help with:

  • Math and computer skills
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Study skills
  • Time management
  • Connecting with employment and education opportunities

Get in touch with a center near you: 

Adult Career and Technical Education

Interested in furthering your education to land a high pay, high demand job? Adult career and technical education (CTE) offers high quality, affordable education and training. Connect with classes, the state’s 17 regional CTE centers, and resources through the Vermont Adult Career & Technical Education Association (VACTEA). Adult CTE can help you get the training you need to secure a wide variety jobs in:

  • Agriculture
  • Health Sciences
  • Manufacturing
  • Culinary Arts
  • Office & Computer Technology

…and many, many more. Learn more about taking your next step to a career through Adult CTE!

Education & Transition Programs

Are you looking to find connection, clarity, and purpose in your life? Check out the programs offered by Mercy Connections. They offer a range of workshops to help Vermonters lead fulfilling and independent lives. Classes can help you build leadership skills, writing skills, or even prepare you for your American Citizenship Test.

Learn more or view the upcoming class and program schedule.


A pre-apprenticeship program in the trades for women and gender non-conforming individuals. Trailblazers requires no experience, is 7 weeks long, and offers:

  • Hands-on training covering core trades skills
  • Nationally recognized certifications
  • A safe and welcoming learning environment
  • Mentorship for career planning and apprenticeship placement

Learn more about taking the next step with Trailblazers here.

Multicultural Youth Program

Tap into resources, services, and programs in the community to help continue on your dream education and life path. This program staffs a helpdesk at the Burlington, Winooski, and Essex High Schools and also has a Burlington Resource Center. Through Spectrum, you can access:

  • Youth conferences
  • A bike club & indoor soccer
  • Girls group
  • Academic support
  • Support for personal and wellness goals

Learn more here or at your high school’s help desk. 

Youth Development Program

Find your path to independence in adulthood through education, employment, and other types of support. This program pairs a Youth Development Coordinator with a student who is or has been in foster care. Together, you will:

  • Get academic and career assistance
  • Find leadership opportunities
  • Access financial resources
  • Plan for your future after exiting foster care

Learn more about Spectrum’s YDP program.