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GS Standard Interior Test (DO NOT DELETE)

I guess because my parents keep telling me to be more ladylike. As though! Isn’t it true that you have been paid for your testimony? Daylight and everything. Quite possible. We live long and are celebrated poopers.

You’ve killed me! Oh, you’ve killed me! Nay, I respect and admire Harold Zoid too much to beat him to death with his own Oscar. Son, as your lawyer, I declare y’all are in a 12-piece bucket o’ trouble. But I done struck you a deal: Five hours of community service cleanin’ up that ol’ mess you caused.

Dear God, they’ll be killed on our doorstep! And there’s no trash pickup until January 3rd.

Ven ve voke up, ve had zese wodies. Son, as your lawyer, I declare y’all are in a 12-piece bucket o’ trouble. But I done struck you a deal: Five hours of community service cleanin’ up that ol’ mess you caused.

  1. Then we’ll go with that data file!
  2. But I know you in the future. I cleaned your poop.
  3. And why did ‘I’ have to take a cab?

I don’t want to be rescued.

It’s just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. But then the winter came, and the grasshopper died, and the octopus ate all his acorns. Also he got a race car. Is any of this getting through to you? There’s one way and only one way to determine if an animal is intelligent. Dissect its brain!

  • Oh Leela! You’re the only person I could turn to; you’re the only person who ever loved me.
  • Ummm…to eBay?
  • You guys aren’t Santa! You’re not even robots. How dare you lie in front of Jesus?

Are you crazy? I can’t swallow that. Now Fry, it’s been a few years since medical school, so remind me. Disemboweling in your species: fatal or non-fatal? Stop it, stop it. It’s fine. I will ‘destroy’ you!

Added a heading here.