Cost Total Cost $128,976
Tuition (yearly) $16,280
Housing & Meals (yearly) $13,354
Fees (yearly) $2,610
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
Plant biology is key to the future prosperity of the human population. In the same way that basic medical researchers seek clinical solutions to fundamental challenges in human health care, as plant biologists we seek to provide the insights that make it possible to feed, clothe, and shelter our ever-larger population in spite of intensifying environmental concerns, especially climate change. Today's students will make decisions critical to the future of our species, which must be informed by our insights into plants, the source of all sustenance.
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
Grants and scholarships can be awarded from a variety of sources including UVM, federal, state and private entities. Eligibility of grants is based primarily on financial need; although academic merit and/or course of study may also be issued.
Pell Grant
State or Local Grant
Institutional Grant
Private Grant
Other Grant
Federal Scholarship
State or Local Scholarship
Private Scholarship
Other Scholarship
Veteran Educational Assistance Program
Post 9-11 GI Bill
Department of Defense (DoD) Tuition Assistance
State or Local Military Assistance
Grants and scholarships can be awarded from a variety of sources including UVM, federal, state and private entities. Eligibility of grants is based primarily on financial need; although academic merit and/or course of study may also be issued.
Federal Subsidized Loan
Federal Unsubsidized Loan
Private Loan
State or Local Loan
Parent PLUS Loan
Other Loan