Cost Total Cost $128,976
Tuition (yearly) $16,280
Housing & Meals (yearly) $13,354
Fees (yearly) $2,610
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
If you are actively concerned about the world you live in and want to do something constructive and useful in it—whether in law, business, education, medicine, urban or rural planning—sociology provides our best means for understanding how "the system" works. Whether you want to change society radically, modify it, preserve it as it is, or restore it to a bygone era, you must first understand what the structure of system is, how social order is maintained, and how social change can be affected. Sociology can give you some of that knowledge and can further help you acquire the analytic tools to develop it on your own.
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
Grants and scholarships can be awarded from a variety of sources including UVM, federal, state and private entities. Eligibility of grants is based primarily on financial need; although academic merit and/or course of study may also be issued.
Pell Grant
State or Local Grant
Institutional Grant
Private Grant
Other Grant
Federal Scholarship
State or Local Scholarship
Private Scholarship
Other Scholarship
Veteran Educational Assistance Program
Post 9-11 GI Bill
Department of Defense (DoD) Tuition Assistance
State or Local Military Assistance
Grants and scholarships can be awarded from a variety of sources including UVM, federal, state and private entities. Eligibility of grants is based primarily on financial need; although academic merit and/or course of study may also be issued.
Federal Subsidized Loan
Federal Unsubsidized Loan
Private Loan
State or Local Loan
Parent PLUS Loan
Other Loan